I love walking into a room at a museum and being transfixed by every single piece of work you see...as was the case today in one small, slightly hidden room in the top of Italy's national museum of modern art.
Their main exhibition right now is Mario Schifano, who dabbled in everything from monochrome to pop art to gorgeous, rich large-scale paintings. But what struck me most were some jaunty little watercolors he created with the poet Frank O'Hara. I can't find any of the good ones online, and got yelled at for attempting to sneak photographs in the museum, which of course didn't sell postcards of the works...but this was the poem on the one I liked best, a very simple painting of 2 rectangles, one very rigid, and one with rounded corners inside:
"What I wonder, does love have to do with an irregular rectangle inside a regular rectangle, or for that matter the grass to do with the lawn---it has all become so puzzling recently that a straight line is hardly more assuring than a wiggly one---in drive-in movies, for example, you find the image quivering when you're not quivering, but since one is quivering it all adjusts into a perfectly definable and unreassuring image of unreality, as seductive as a brick lollipop.
Now that you know I am dead, I trust you will send flowers.
Thanking you in advance, I 'remain,'
-- True Love Number One"
look him up if you're really interested...but nothing struck me more than that little painting. it's moments like that, where you're transfixed or inspired by something pretty, that made me want to leave drab ol' seattle and see something else in the first place. i don't even care if that's vapid. and my apologies for the lack of pictures or videos in this post. it was my own stupid little moment.