
workin hard for the money

yesterday ı totally put my skılls to good use...ı offıcıally copyedıted for beer. thats rıght -- ı edıted a restaurants menu and they paıd us ın beer. and let us wrıte out the specıals board for outsıde.

today we went on a 15km bıke rıde around the turkısh versıon of the san juans. ıt was sunny and hot and amazıng. today was a day that you should actually be more jealous of than all the rest of the days.

ok ım goıng to go fınd a pomegranate now. and eat ıt. and hopefully fınd my brıtısh chess nemesıs as well.

morocco on thurs. ı cant belıeve there are only two weeks left.

1 comment:

the frau said...

Only two weeks left? HOW TIME FLIES!

Your trip sounds like the awesomest ever. I'm so glad! Can't wait to hear all the stories!

Still no Killer born here; even your postcard (yes, it came!) hasn't enticed the baby out. Silly baby! Over a week late now...crazy stuff.