
CPY 30/40 Day 3: Making Time

For the longest time, I would set my alarm for 6am, expecting to happily jump out of bed to head to a yoga class or put on my running shoes. What really happens is that I will hit my snooze button, glare at the workout clothes I've thoughtfully placed next to the bed, roll over, and twilight sleep until 7:45.

But you know what? I've finally decided that it's ok for me to not be a "morning" workout person.

What this does mean, however, is that I have to make time in the evenings for fitness. For Day 3 of yoga, I am very proud to say that I squeezed a class in between work and coaching rowing - and was so happy that I did. Did I arrive at rowing a minute late with mascara all over my face? Yes. Did the rowers care? Not in the least.

I'm quickly learning that one hour a day isn't a lot to ask of myself. The time I spend on my mat is mine and mine only. What I do there, whether it's an awesome day and I feel great or a crappy day and I take it easy - that's mine too.

I suppose this goes hand in hand with the "I'm busy" excuse. But it makes me want to make time for other things I typically put off - calling my grandma. Putting away all the laundry at the same time. Making the bed in the mornings. Doing small things that take little-to-no time to make the people in my life feel happy and loved.

"No act of kindness, however small, goes unnoticed."

And it took a minute of me hanging out in tripod headstand to realize this? Hm.

Yesterday was a day off from yoga so I ran a nice, slow 3 miles and it felt GREAT. Tonight I'm back on to Hot Power Fusion.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Good job Sheena! As much as I wish I were, I am also not a morning workout person. If only we lived closer... we'd be perfect workout buddies.